“The visit of the Compassionate Mandala Tour to the Parrish Art Museum was one of the most extraordinary events in the museum’s history. The sheer numbers were unprecented – the galleries were bustling and every program was filled to capacity. More gratifying and uplifting were the enthusiasm and awe generated by the tour. Dozens of people returned day after day to follow the progress of the mandala. I’ve never seen 100 people as quiet and attentive as during the meditation workshop, except perhaps for the 200 people at the concert. And Tenzin achieved the near impossible – getting a room full of ordinarily sedate Southamptonites to sing along. His music, like the chanting and artistry of the monks, was unforgettable. It’s tempting to conclude from the overwhelming response of our communithy that lurking beneath the impermanence, complacency, and materialism of our society is a yearning for contact with something spiritual and enduring.”
— Mark Segal, Director of Adult Programs, The Parrish Art Museum