On the eve of Olympics the premier of show of the doco TIBET’s Cry for Freedom in Brisbane went really well. We had about 300 people attend it. We also had Candle4Tibet that night. Now that the Olympics is is full swing I am divided in two direction. I love sports but than I love Human values more. Good luck to all the athletes.
In coming months I have few really nice concerts. I will be joined by a String ochestra for two concerts on 29th and 30th Aug. I have few gigs at the Ekka. One exciting thing. One of my song called the Crane Song is in the finalist for Qmusic awards and I will be singing that song on the award night at the Trivoli on 12th Nov with Shen on Tabla and Marcello on Gutiar. In Sept. I am heading to US for a month for a tour there. Hope to see you sometime soon.